UXQB was founded in October 2013 based on an initiative by the working group “Quality Standards” within the German Usability Professionals Association (Berufsverband der Deutschen Usability und User Experience Professionals – German UPA e.V.). The purpose of the UXQB is to systematically promote a consistent certification program for usability professionals.
Work on a consistent qualification and certification program started in 2006. Initially, the German UPA’s working group usability / UX profession (Arbeitskreis Berufsfeld Usability) defined the job roles of usability engineering. These roles provide a structure for the various tasks and deliverables of usability engineering. Building on these results, the German UPA’s quality standard for usability engineering emerged. This standard contains the basis for professional work carried out by usability specialists.
The development of an international certification program for usability professionals builds on this groundwork.