
This page lists the current versions of all documents that are relevant for CPUX certification.

Foundation Level (CPUX-F)

  • English
  • Deutsch
  • Francais
  • PyccKNN
  • 中文 (Chinese)
Mandatory for certification examination from April 1, 2023 onwards.
New version – corresponds to CPUX-F Curriculum version 4.01.
This document contains a sample set of 40 certification test questions. The set is intended for training purposes.
Gültig für die Zertifizierungsprüfung CPUX-F ab 1. April 2023
Neue Version – entspricht Version 4.01 des CPUX-F Curriculums.
Dieses Dokument enthält einen Satz von 40 Prüfungsfragen zur Übung für die Prüfung zur Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience – Foundation Level (CPUX-F) Zertifizierung. 
Note : Les documents proposés ici se réfèrent à la version 2 du curriculum de la CPUX-F, qui est une version périmée.
Ce document décrit le programme de l’examen de certification du Certified Professional Usability and User Experience – Foundation Level (CPUX-F). Dans l’examen de certification, seuls les concepts et les connaissances qui sont présentés dans ce document sont évalués.
Ce document contient une série de 40 questions d’examen pour s’entraîner à l’examen de certification du Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience – Foundation Level (CPUX-F). La série constitue un exemple complet et réaliste de questions d’examen.
Примечание: Предлагаемые здесь документы относятся ко второй версии учебного плана CPUX-F, которая является устаревшей версией.
Этот документ описывает учебный материал для сертификационного экзамена Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience – Foundation Level (CPUX-F). В ходе экзамена проверяется знание только тех понятий и концепций, которые приведены в настоящем документе.
Этот документ содержит 40 примерных вопросов сертификационного экзамена. Вопросы предназначены для тренировки.
The UXQB hereby grants permission to use all or parts of these documents for certification purposes and other relevant purposes, provided that the source is clearly acknowledged.

Rules for remote exams

The following document contains the corresponding regulation for online certification exams at our certification bodies and gives you an overview of the organizational process and the necessary technical requirements.

Training Providers

Documents for companies interested in becoming recognized training providers:

Legal Documents (UXQB bylaws or articles)

Press Release


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