A this year’s conference “Mensch und Computer 2017” in Regensburg (Germany), a crash course is being offered preparing for CPUX-F certification. In 2x 75 minutes, Rolf Molich (current editor of CPUX-F curriculum) will lead participants through the whole CPUX-F curriculum with lots of examples for test questions. Also, at the end of the crash course, there will be 20 minutes rehearsal with 15 test questions to prepare for the CPUX-F certification test. This crash course takes place before the CPUX-F certification test (also offered at the conference).
Date, time and location:
Sunday, 10.09.2017, 9:00h – 13:00h, Room H25 (Vielberth-Building)
The CPUX-F crash course is free-of-charge for conference participants.
More details: http://muc2017.mensch-und-computer.de/programm/cpux-zertifizierung/