
First Full CPUX-F Course and Certification in the US Successfully Completed

On December 18 to 20, 2018, the New York City UXPA in association with the International UXQB presented a professional 3-day User Experience (UX) certification program covering user experience terms and methods. The course was delivered by Rolf Molich and independently assessed by iSQI. The course took place in New York City, hosted at Goldman Sachs.

Nineteen people took the full two-day course, 27 people participated in the half-day crash course and 28 people took the certification test. Twenty-four of 28 people passed the certification test.

In their written feedback, students unanimously agreed that the course was worth their time. They also valued the exercises, which took up almost 50% of the time for the course, and the frequent quiz questions, which helped them check their understanding of the UX concepts and methods presented in the course.

For upcoming courses in the United States and other countries check out our calendar with all international courses.

Webinar about the CPUX Certification Program (Friday, June 28, 2019, 1:00pm – 2:00pm)

This webinar is intended for all those, who have no previous knowledge about the “Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience” (CPUX) and want to get basic insights into the CPUX scheme.

Intended participants are mainly:

  • Organisations, who are interested in becoming “Recognized training provider”
  • Individuals who want to clarify whether a certification is of interest to them.

iSQI is recognized certification body for the CPUX scheme and in conjunction with UXQB invites you to join the webinar on the 28th of June 2019 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 p.m. iSQI and an expert from the UXQB board Thomas Geis will give you a deep insight into the CPUX-portfolio and will be happy to answer all your questions. .

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Register now…

Webinar “CPUX: A Serious, European Attempt at Certifying People who are Interested in UX” (June 26, 12:00pm EDT, 18:00h CET)

With more than 3.000 people certified since its launch in 2014 and about 30 independent recognized training providers across Europe, CPUX (Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience) is a successful European UX certification program driven by volunteers. This webinar, which is sponsored by the New York City User Experience Association (NYC UXPA), will tell you what you should demand of a serious and useful UX certification program. You will learn what CPUX teaches and see sample certification questions. The presentation will openly discuss CPUX’s successes, the challenges we are facing, and what our students are saying.

About the presenter:
Rolf Molich is vice president of the UXQB, the organization which develops and maintains the CPUX certification. He also owns and manages DialogDesign, a tiny Danish usability consultancy. Rolf has worked with usability since 1984. Before that he worked as a successful software engineer.

First CPUX-F Certification test in the United States

As part of UXPA Boston’s 17th Annual User Experience Conference, Rolf Molich will present a talk entitled “CPUX – A Serious (and Usable?) European Attempt at Certifying UX Professionals” on May 10. On May 11, a CPUX-F crash-course will be held, followed by the first public CPUX-F certification in the US.

New CPUX-F Curriculum published (Version 3.15, 23 March 2018)

The UXQB has released a revised CPUX-F Curriculum on Friday 23 March 2018 together with a new set of public test questions. The curriculum and the test questions are available in German and English as before. At this time the UXQB has no definite plans for updating the French and the Russian curricula. In the period from 1 April to 31 May, you will have the choice of getting certified using test questions that correspond to the old curriculum or to the revised curriculum. Please state your choice when you order the certification from the accredited certification provider of your choice. From 1 June 2018, all CPUX-F certification tests will be based on the revised CPUX-F Curriculum. To help you get a quick overview of the major changes to the curriculum, we have included a list of changes in the back of the curriculum. The curriculum now also includes an index. Both documents are available for download at

UXQB ist Sponsor der BBA 2018 Konferenz am 14./15.05.2018 in Nova Gorica (Slovenien)

Das International Usability & User Experience Qualification Board (UXQB) ist auf der diesjährigen Konferenz BBA 2018 am 14./15.05.2018 in Nova Gorica (Slovenien) als Sponsor vertreten. Das Motto der diesjährigen Konferenz lautet „Business Analyst as Voice of the Customer“. Thomas Geis wird mit seinem Vortrag „How to Find Hidden User Needs Systematically and Derive Valid User Requirements“ vorstellen, wie im Rahmen von Business-Analysen systematisch die Stimme der Benutzer ( „Voice of the User“) mit Fokus auf den tatsächlichen Belangen von Benutzern zum integralen Bestandteil von Projekten wird, um so zu IT-Lösungen mit hoher User Experience zu gelangen.

Crash Course preparing participants for CPUX-F certification test during conference “Mensch und Computer″ in Sept. 2017

A this year’s conference “Mensch und Computer 2017” in Regensburg (Germany), a crash course is being offered preparing for CPUX-F certification. In 2x 75 minutes, Rolf Molich (current editor of CPUX-F curriculum) will lead participants through the whole CPUX-F curriculum with lots of examples for test questions. Also, at the end of the crash course, there will be 20 minutes rehearsal with 15 test questions to prepare for the CPUX-F certification test. This crash course takes place before the CPUX-F certification test (also offered at the conference).

Date, time and location:
Sunday, 10.09.2017, 9:00h – 13:00h, Room H25 (Vielberth-Building)

The CPUX-F crash course is free-of-charge for conference participants.

More details: